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More About Idle Thoughts


It WILL get better, it has to…

I’m the reliable one, if I don't do it who will?

I have to do it

School is hard

I don’t think I can do it

I am not good enough

and the list goes on...

We’ve all got these ingrained thought patterns taking up space in our heads. But, they may an outdated way of looking at yourself and your world. Perhaps these thoughts were created when you were a child, or a teenager, when you struggled in school, or had a mean boss? Maybe you were born this way, and you’ve had these thoughts your whole life? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if they are even true? The thoughts you have about yourself and the way you see the world may not even be an accurate, or a reliable reflection of the world around you. WHAAAT? And every day you are making decisions about everything, every day based on your thoughts.

What if you could look at your thought patterns to decide if there were an accurate and true picture of yourself, what then? How could you change them?

In order to change your thought patterns, first you need to understand how you think. This is what Axiogenics Coaching is all about. Unlike any other Coaching program, our unique and proprietary Assessment actually measures, scientifically and objectively, how you think from 36 different thought perspectives. Once you understand how you think, we can help you look at your “programming” objectively to determine if it is serving you well. Are your thought patterns an accurate and reliable view of yourself and the world around you? Are your thoughts patterns providing you good information and clarity to aid you in making good decisions? Are your thought patterns an asset or liability to you?

In order to change our thought patterns, science has shown that we need to create new neuropathways. Literally, the synapses in our brain need to find a new path from point A to point B, over and over, until a new thought habit is created. This doesn’t happen by falsely telling ourselves some “fake it ‘till you make it” positive affirmation. Science has proven that this does not work. Our coaching program can help you examine your thoughts, determine if they are accurate reflections of reality and can teach you how to focus on more accurate thought patterns that will help you make better value based decisions.

Are you ready to start thinking differently?

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