The Present
At this time of holiday gift giving, perhaps "the present" brings to mind list making, and finding the perfect gift? Maybe it brings to mind waiting in line, and crazy holiday traffic? Maybe it makes you think about too much to do, and too little time? Maybe overspending, over planning or over indulging?
Remember the years you spent too much money and too much time on too many things? What do you remember about it now? Which gifts do you recall receiving from last year? Which gifts do you recall giving? And which stand out in your mind?
My favorite memories are the moments.
I remember when my boys were little, and we wrapped their toys in shiny crinkly paper. They had so much fun opening things, it didn't matter what was inside, or even if it was new.
I remember the year my husband and I laid in bed early Christmas morning (and I mean EARLY). We could hear our boys were already awake looking for their gifts under the Christmas tree. And then hearing a ringing (a cell phone), wondering “what’s that?” and “where’s it coming from”. They had no idea the cell phones were for them :-)
I remember putting out reindeer "food"; a special oatmeal-glitter mix, and leaving cookies and milk for Santa. I remember trips to see Santa, first when no one dared sit on that strange man’s lap, and then as the years passed, eager to tell Santa themselves and give him their long wish list (which Santa slipped back to me).
I remember giving my parents the same three gift wrapped boxes each year (and still do). Pulling out those boxes, fluffing the bows and “filling” them is fun, but what really matters is the tradition of the three boxes.
I remember spending carefully, counting boxes, matching sizes... I remember wrapping in the basement late Christmas Eve. I remember all that work... and while the gifts were great, the stockings and the little things are such fun too!
The gifts handmade, the photo calendars for my moms, the enlarged photos of our kids with their biggest fish, writing our annual Christmas letter (and receiving them), seeing pictures of our friends and their families arriving in the mail and reflecting on the past year, these are some of my most cherished memories.
When I think about the holiday season and “the present”, it's really not about the gifts, but instead it's about "being present", to enjoy the moments and create the memories.
Most likely most of you already have what you need. So, instead I am wishing you "presence" this holiday season to enjoy what you already have. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.